SUN Yinguang
Educational Research and Experiment. 2023(05)
The whole-process institutional moral education is a form of moral education that promotes individual moral development through participating in the entire process of democratic institutional life. It is based on the policy requirement of whole-process people's democracy, formed in the development context of moral education theory and practice, rooted in the growth needs of students' moral development, and is the result of the interaction of triple logic. In the field of schools, the whole-process institutional moral education regulates students' meaning construction, identity recognition, and behavioral expression through multiple institutional systems, which in turn affects their moral cognition, emotion, and behavioral development, forming a nested composite mechanism of occurrence. To fully leverage the role of the whole-process institutional moral education, schools need to optimize their institutional system and shift towards a democratic governance model; improve the public sphere and promote democratic public life; change the orientation of class construction and cultivate students' moral-democratic competencies.